Launch a brighter future with MEG Business!
Let the experienced startup experts at MEG help you launch a profitable, scalable business model that achieves your vision. Our virtual training platform, online resources and coaches set you up for success by teaching you how to optimize your clinic in a way that gives you the freedom to exceed your dreams.
Private Practice Startup Services include:
- Pre-open logistic management (incorporating, financing, lease negotiations, legal, etc.)
- Initial contracting, credentialing & billing
- Marketing strategies & startup plans
- Hiring procedures and personnel structure
- Personalized coaching and so much more!
The #1 Physical Therapy Startup Resource
If you're not sure what actions to take and in what order to take them - request a free private practice startup evaluation that places you on the path to building a successful physical therapy private practice:
Unleash the Growth Potential of Your Startup and Yourself
The MEG Academy Masters Program
Gain the in-depth training that all PT owners need to be a more effective CEO, leader and personnel director.
What to Keep In-House & What to Outsource
Optimize key areas of your private practice's operations so you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
Free Private Practice Evaluation
This assessment covers where new clinics struggle and arms them with resources & support to succeed.